In search of new tools against COVID-19, scientists have discovered previously unknown possibilities of electromagnetic exposure.
In the early 60s, the first samples of electrical equipment appeared that made it possible to create high-frequency electromagnetic pulses, which immediately found application among scientists, allowing them to start a series of experiments.
Our country was in the technical forefront of the then new field of science. Already in 1965, Academician Nikolai Dmitrievich Devyatkov, who worked in Fryazino near Moscow, suggested that high-frequency waves have effect on living organisms and systems.
In 1973, Devyatkov made a presentation at a session of the Academy of Sciences, in which he announced the results that aroused keen interest in academic circles. The academician and his group received comprehensive support in the form of state funding for new research programs, including for medical purposes.
The programs have been launched in 70s and continued until the 90s of the last century.
As a result of the experiments, a number of hypotheses were put forward to explain the biophysical mechanisms of the effect of high-frequency electromagnetic generators on biological systems.
Academician N. D. Devyatkov and his associates laid the foundations for new methods of non-drug therapy.
New stage in the study of the effect of high-frequency electromagnetic fields on living tissues began thanks to the discovery of bubstons in 2016, as well as the finding of a way to emit processes occurring on the cell surface.
Bubstones (from the English Bubbles Stabilized by Ions) were called stable gas nanobubbles with sizes from several tens to hundreds of nanometers, disclosed in aqueous ionic solutions.
To create stably repeating real conditions for the functioning of the membrane of a living cell, polymer analogs have been developed. A striking example is the Nafion™ membrane, whose structure is as close as possible to the natural membrane of a living cell. In particular, the polymer fibers («hairs») present on the surface of Nafion™ are very similar in structure to the glycocalyx, i.e. supramembrane complex involved in the formation of contacts between cells.
In the course of the experiments, the scientists of JSC Concern GRANIT used Ringer’s solution, which is widely used in medicine, including as a means of temporary replenishment of the circulating blood volume. The membrane was placed in a solution, which was exposed to an electromagnetic field. In this case, a change in the behavior of the ionic conductivity of the membrane was recorded.
Exposing a solution to an electromagnetic field leads to the formation of standing waves in clusters of bubstons. These clusters are continuously formed in the circulatory system and reach the cell membranes in every organ of the human body.
In the course of the experiments, a hypothesis was put forward and subsequently confirmed, explaining the effect of the electromagnetic field on the cells of living systems.
Conductive particles, which include pathogens, interact with electromagnetic radiation when approaching close to from bubston clusters and can change their electromagnetic characteristics at the moment of exposure.
The altered characteristics affect the permeability of the cell membrane to the pathogen.
We called method of influencing the electromagnetic characteristics of the pathogen «noise pollution».
Based on the works of academician N.D. Devyatkov, scientists of JSC Concern GRANIT have developed the TOК device, which allows remote non-invasive therapy with a weak electromagnetic effect.
A unique feature of the device is the ability to suppress pathogens that cause COVID-19 in crowded areas and high traffic. The device was tested in the clinics of the Samara State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, where its effectiveness and safety were confirmed.
TOR is entered into the register of medical devices of Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare. The device is certified by Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare of the Russian Federation and is approved for use in administrative, residential and industrial premises, in transport and in open spaces. The device is certified by the Eurasian Economic Union and meets the safety requirements for medical equipment.
Serial production of TOR devices with their installation in public places can become an effective tool in the normalization of the life of the citizens of our country.