Coronavirus prevention or disease protection in office

27.05.2022 · 4:04
Профилактика коронавируса в офисе

Rospotrebnadzor developed methodological recommendations MP 3.1/2.2.0170/3-20 «Recommendations for Prevention of New Coronavirus Infection (COVID-19) among Workers» for organizations to reduce the spread of coronavirus in the beginning of the pandemic.

The main items of the recommendations include:

  • organizing an «entrance filter» at the beginning of the working day to check the health status of employees;
  • regular treatment of hands with antiseptics;
  • limited access to the office and production by unauthorized persons;
  • organization of document and goods turnover by courier service with non-contact delivery;
  • daily sanitizing of rooms and more frequent sanitizing of contact surfaces;
  • limiting contacts between employees through the creation of separate work groups and remote work;
  • limited movement of employees during lunch and other breaks;
  • restriction of mass events at the enterprises;
  • strict schedule of visits to the centralized canteen by departments;
  • providing employees working with clients with disposable masks (at the rate of changing masks once every 3 hours), antiseptics;
  • regular ventilation (at least once every 2 hours);
  • reducing the number of business trips;
  • explanation to employees about preventive measures, personal and public hygiene rules;
  • providing the remote work of employees older than 65 years, persons with low immunity, pregnant women for the period of high incidence of COVID-19;
  • exclusion from work without up-to-date results of medical inspection of workers in the food industry, domestic service, water supply facilities, educational organizations and employees of other areas where periodic medical inspections are mandatory.

Compliance with 100% coronavirus prevention reduces the incidence of the disease, but does not save companies from spreading the disease.

Electromagnetic coronavirus suppression device can be an effective solution in addition to these recommendations.

TOR device is an effective and safe solution to suppress viruses

TOR device developed by the Concern GRANIT research center in Russia is an innovative solution to combat coronavirus. Read more about the principle of operation here.

TOR is suitable for regular use. The device is registered as a medical product and has no contraindications. The effective range of the device is 230 meters. This is enough to protect a small enterprise from coronavirus.

The use of TOR in the organization can increase its competitive advantages in a pandemic, due to the additional protection of the health of employees, customers and patients.

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